Swan Valley Sports Club Grant

Swan Valley Sports Club Grants


Swan Valley Sports Club are this week celebrating a significant achievement for the club, as they successfully secured two grants from the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund. The first of the grants will contribute to the installation of new floodlights at the facility, whilst the second grant will fund the refurbishment of the change room facilities to encourage participation from female and junior athletes.

Knight Director, Sandro Di Lollo, is the chairman of the Swan Valley Sports Club and indicated that the clubs focus was to work towards creating an environment that is equal for all of its 400 members, highlighting the importance of family when bringing a club together.

“We’re trying to be the leader in this area and recognising the importance of bringing females into sport as well as families and children”

Sandro’s commitment to the betterment of the community embodies the precise values that Knight wishes to exemplify and Knight continues to proudly support the Swan Valley Sports Club & Sandro, and are immensely proud of the hard work and dedication that Sandro shows to helping the local community.


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