Tax Effective
Super Contributions - FY24

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As of 1st July 2024, stage three tax cuts will be in place.

The good news? Your tax at the end of FY2025 is likely to look much more favourable.

The bad news? Your ability to take advantage of tax benefits related to concessional super contributions may be reduced.

But it doesn’t have to be all bad – we’ve got the information you need to come out as a winner!

Here’s what you need to know:

For the unanointed, you may be asking “What is a concessional super contribution?” Well, Heather has the answer.

So, you’ve got all the facts. What now?

The important thing is to understand if a concessional super contribution is right for you in the first place, and we’ve got some advice on where to start.

Are you in a position to take advantage? We don’t want you to be left in the dark.

Knight is with you every step of the way – it’s time to talk to your financial adviser!

Tax Effective Super Contributions

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